Posting dates
Public records requests to Iowa State are posted here twice a month. Posts occur the 1st and 16th day of each month. First-of-the-month posts include requests from the 1st to the 15th day of the previous month. Mid-month posts include requests from the 16th to the last day of the previous month. For example:
- Aug. 1 post: Includes July 1-15 requests
- Aug. 16 post: Includes July 16-31 requests
See the Public Records Q&A for details on the law and requesting records from Iowa State. See the Transparency page for ISU news and information sources.
Recent requests
Arrest documents
Christopher Young
ISU PD report 19-000113
Julie Brousard - Cy-Ride
Documents Iowa State produced for the hockey club, and sent to the hockey club, regarding its violations.
Vanessa Miller - The Gazette
Contracts for Asst FB Coaches Manning & Caponi
Dylan Montz - Ames Tribune
ISU PD report 19-000054
Lexis Nexis
ISU PD report 19-000032
Lexis Nexis
ISU PD report 17-000567
Hollie Brannen - Kansas City, MO Police Dept
Bid tabulation for RFP 63963
Joshua Hopkins
ISU PD report 19-000073
Metropolitan Reporting Bureau
Current contracts for MBB Asst Coaches (6)
Andrew Noonan
ISU PD report 18-001507
Lexis Nexis
Records related to university pension plans and endowments
Scott Lawson - Paralegal Consulting Services
ISU PD report 16-000250
Annette Thomas - General Dynamics
ISU PD report 18-000392
Vincent Junior
ISU PD report 18-001445
Barnabus Unknown - Metropolitan Reporting Bureau
Drake FB Game Contract
Kevin Cohen - Winthrop Intelligence
ISU PD report 18-000107
Jeremy McVey
Subcontractor list for Scheman project
unknown unknown - Iowa LECET
Contracts for Asst FB Coaches Manning & Cipone
Randy Peterson - Des Moines Register
Employment Agreement or MOU for Tom Manning, Asst FB Coach
Shannon deLoach - Coaches Consulting Group