Posting dates
Public records requests to Iowa State are posted here twice a month. Posts occur the 1st and 16th day of each month. First-of-the-month posts include requests from the 1st to the 15th day of the previous month. Mid-month posts include requests from the 16th to the last day of the previous month. For example:
- Aug. 1 post: Includes July 1-15 requests
- Aug. 16 post: Includes July 16-31 requests
See the Public Records Q&A for details on the law and requesting records from Iowa State. See the Transparency page for ISU news and information sources.
Recent requests
E-mail Communications
Michael Merritt
Information Technology Personnel
Jeff Sorensen
Printing RFP
Steve Cochren - Triplett Office Solutions
Contract with Nike
Matt Lesser - Wilson Sporting Goods
Cleo Westin - Iowa State Daily
Athletic Staff Contracts
Garth Webster - CAA
Unclaimed Checks
Ramadas Shenoy D - Ernst & Young LLC
Athletic Contracts
Anthony Grassi - D1.ticker
Communications with Nick Gabler
Crystal Heath - Our Honor
Communications of Dr. Ross
Crystal Heath - Our Honor
Purchase History Report
Frank Curry - FOIA Buddy
Vendor List
Frank Curry - FOIA Buddy
Financial Transactions Log
Frank Curry - FOIA Buddy
Employee Information
Frank Curry - FOIA Buddy
Open Records Request- RFQ-1000973
Todd Wilson - EzipNzoom
Correspondence re National Pork Board
Crystal Health - Our Honor
Football Staff Contracts
Max Josef - WME
Athletic Dept Contracts
Matt Brown - Extra Points
Wrestling Program Operational Costs
Patrick Kelly
WBB Game Contracts
Jordan Walsh - D1WBBSchedules