Posting dates
Public records requests to Iowa State are posted here twice a month. Posts occur the 1st and 16th day of each month. First-of-the-month posts include requests from the 1st to the 15th day of the previous month. Mid-month posts include requests from the 16th to the last day of the previous month. For example:
- Aug. 1 post: Includes July 1-15 requests
- Aug. 16 post: Includes July 16-31 requests
See the Public Records Q&A for details on the law and requesting records from Iowa State. See the Transparency page for ISU news and information sources.
Recent requests
Greg Brabenec's Contract
Drake Grisham - Balch Sports
Coach Contracts
Ben Hutchens - The Quad City Times
ORR - RFQ-1001051
Kristine Wagner - MicroFridge A Danby Company
ORR - C8-2279473
Ankita Chauhan - Compunnel
Deans List
John Chatelaine
ISU PD report 24-000864
IMT Insurance - IMT Insurance
ISU PD report 24-000867
Lexis Nexis - Lexis Nexis
Ryan Clanton Contract
Hayden Garrison - Suite 615 Sports Advisors
ISU PD report 24-000873
Jacque Burkhart
Contracts related to ISU v Kansas in Dublin
Matt Brown - Extra Points
Student Directory Information
Generation Lab - Generation Lab
ISU PD report 22-000848
Austin Kuebelbeck
ORR - RFQ-1001067
Nick Reddin - ATC - American Technology Consulting
Purchase Orders Data - Iowa State University
Kimia Hamidi
ORR - RFQ-100963
Lee Goodson - Balfour & Co
Police Report
Brandon Alpern
Records request: RFQ-1001011
Kelsey Kuczynski - Hyland
Football Coach/Staff/Game Contracts
Thomas Seipp - WME
Open Records Request - RFQ 1001059
Cameron Strong - Flash
IACUC-approved protocols
Daniel Lopez - White Coat Waste Project