Posting dates
Public records requests to Iowa State are posted here twice a month. Posts occur the 1st and 16th day of each month. First-of-the-month posts include requests from the 1st to the 15th day of the previous month. Mid-month posts include requests from the 16th to the last day of the previous month. For example:
- Aug. 1 post: Includes July 1-15 requests
- Aug. 16 post: Includes July 16-31 requests
See the Public Records Q&A for details on the law and requesting records from Iowa State. See the Transparency page for ISU news and information sources.
Recent requests
Bjorn Browman - Van Meter Inc
Committee notes re. mandatory fees and refunds
Brennan Goodman
NCAA Financial Reports for FY2016 - FY2019
Jarrett Varsik -
ISU PD report 20-000264
Lexisb Nexis - Lexis Nexis
Senior administrator emails including Republican-related key words from 11/15/2019-3/29/2020.
Ryan Hurley
ISU PD report 20-000163
ISU PD report 17-000234
Shani Stefanyk
Freedom of Information Request - Agreement between Crown Castle and Jack Trice Stadium
Diane Gee - American Tower Corporation
How much was purchased was done through cyBUY for the Vet School Side.
Cory Hughes - Midwest Vet
Public Records Request - For PO/Vendor Information
Melinda Saint-Vil - SmartProcure
Covid-19 response
Andrea Fuller - Wall Street Journal
Public Record Request - Agile bid
Larry Stolworthy - Boise State University
ISU PD report 16-001638
Sgt. Edward Hall - US Army
ISU PD report 20-000171
Lexis Nexis - Lexis Nexis
Employment contract for Head FB Coach
Daniel Kalish - HKM Employment Attorneys
ISU PD report 18-000789
Andrew Donnelly
Agreed-Upon Procedures (AUP) Report for FY2008-FY2019
Nicholas Schlereth - Coastal Carolina University
William Chleborad
Contract request #81
John Nash - Board of Regents
Contract request #81
John Nash - Board of Regents