Posting dates
Public records requests to Iowa State are posted here twice a month. Posts occur the 1st and 16th day of each month. First-of-the-month posts include requests from the 1st to the 15th day of the previous month. Mid-month posts include requests from the 16th to the last day of the previous month. For example:
- Aug. 1 post: Includes July 1-15 requests
- Aug. 16 post: Includes July 16-31 requests
See the Public Records Q&A for details on the law and requesting records from Iowa State. See the Transparency page for ISU news and information sources.
Recent requests
student list
Juan Veintimillia - The Commencement Group
Employment Contract for C.Baier & B.Kirelawich and Agreements for stated non-conf or exhibition MBB & WBB games for 2019-2020 Season
Kevin Cohen - Winthrop Intelligence
Data regarding mental health for each fiscal year between 2014-2015 to 2018-2019
Peter Georgiev - Columbia Missourian
ISU PD report 19-001367
Lexis Nexis - Lexis Nexis
ISU PD report 19-001340
Lexis Nexis - Lexis Nexis
Current Contract for Head FB Coach
Matt Wenzel - MLive Media Group
Contact, position, and etc., information on all current faculty and staff
Michael McPhail
Police report on stadium accident
M Woltjer
The 10/26/19 report from Jack Trice Stadium where Eric Ely fell from an upper deck
Amanda Vizcarra - WHO TV
Signed contracts for the 2019-20 MBB non-conference games
Andy Wittry - Stadium
ISU PD report 19-001109
Lexis Nexis - Lexis Nexis
Course offering information
Cam Korzecke - Michigan State University
Individual compensation information for all Iowa State University Employees with the working title of "Systems Analyst II" and "Systems Analyst III
Jeff Sorensen
Reports on the individual who fell off the balcony at the Iowa State football game
Tom Torpy - KCCI Television
student list
Hoang Nguyen - LexisNexis
ISU Police report 19-001192
Scott Gartman - Iowa Mutual Insurance Company
Use of search firms for presidential searches
Judith Wilde - George Mason University
Records related to animal use program
Russ Kick - New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS)
ISU PD report 19-001217
PRS Inc - PRS Inc
ISU PD report 19-000850
Metropolitan Reporting Bureau - Metropolitan Reporting Bureau